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BitTorrent on Nexland Router Pro100 (2)
Bluetooth 16 Jan 2004

The screen below is a screen capture of the web interface for configuring the NexLand Pro100 Router. Basically what is needed is to enter at the web interface to access the menu for modifying the parameters of the router.

Over here, we select the Custom Virtual Servers. Initially, there will not be any entries.

1) Enter a name for the Virtual Server, we call it BT.
2) Click check box Enable
3) Enter the Server LAN IP, in this case we are downloading from the internal client So we enter here.
4) Protocol select TCP
5) Enter the range of port no from 6881 to 6999.
6) Click ADD.

You are done and you should see more connections since you have enabled incoming connections to your machine that is sitting behind the router.


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