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ASrock 939S56-M SiS 756 Review 4/7
6 Jul 2005

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Benchmarks - 3Dmark2001SE/3DMark2003

In this category, we tested the DX8 benchmark.A score of 21097 is not too bad. In fact, the only ones that exceeded 21,000 are mostly NF4 boards. Looks like ASrock has it optimised. This board has a better performance compared to the reference board.

In 3Dmark2003, the score is 8252. So far, only Jetway NF4 SLI board scored 8219, EPox 9NPA+SLI scored 8224. Gigabyte's 9NPA+ and K8NXP-9 scored 8212/8216 respectively. We can see where ASrock 939S56-M based on SiS 756 stand among the competitors.

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