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Palm Treo 750v Smartphone Launch with Live Photos and Preview 3/3
Bluetooth 28 Sep 2006

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Palm PDA



Treo 750v special features

Although most of the MS Windows mobile 5 smartphones looks similar in interface, Treo 570v has spiced up the 750v with some enhancements over the standard OS.

One of them is photo speed dial. With photo speed dial, you can create quick dials by recognising the photo id of the person you call the most. 

The TODAY screen has been enhanced. Users can now use "Dial by Name" to search for contact, perform web search using google for example and photo speed dials all on the same screen. Instead of going through multiple taps, the access is all made from the Today screen.

The Threaded SMS/MSM messages is also something useful for you to keep track of the SMS/MMS messages in a chat-style view.

The Treo 750v also has an interesting feature which you can manage a call directly from the Today Screen. One feature is a VCR like function which you can record the sequence of keys to press to listen to your voice mail from your voice mail account. Another interesting feature allows you to ignore a call and quickly compose a SMS text message such as "In Meeting" or "Get back to you later". This is definitely better than letting your caller speak to the cold voice recording machine.

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