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Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H AMD 780G+SB700 mainboard - Benchmarks SiSoft Sandra XII
Bluetooth 27 Feb 2008


The two boards are tested with a X2 5000+. From the table below, we can see that the AMD 780G boards have improved on its memory performance. In some of the benchmarks, it also leads the older M2A692-GDG based on AMD 690G chipset.

Windows Experience Index = 3.5 (AMD 780G). AMD 690G scored 3.1.

Sandra XII Jetway M2A692-GDG Jetway PA78GT3 J&W RS780UVD-AM2+ Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H
CPU CLK 200 200 200 200.9
Memory Bandwidth 5926/5831 7077/7002 6934/6951 7071/7043
Arithmetic - Drystone ALU 18882 18861 18854 18724
Arithmetic - Whetstone iSSE3 15923 15962 15948 16018
Multimedia - Int x8 iSSE3 46803 48987 48875 49085
Multimedia - Float x4 iSSE2 53865 53849 53896 54132
Drive Index 48 48 48 48
Random Access 7 8 8 8


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