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Images of Motorola Milestone Android phone (2)
Bluetooth 22 Dec 2009



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A suite of Google applications are pre installed onto the milestone. You can now share your location with Latitude so that your friends can know your whereabouts.

In the applications, you can find some familiar applications like market place, browser,  maps etc. The surprise is Goggles which is a image search feature which makes it's appearance on handsets installed with Android 1.6 and above. There is also Motonav for GPS navigation.


In Android marketplace, you can download more applications. You can now check out the Mark Six to see if you have won the top prize with the downloaded app.

Browsing through the multimedia clips.

A very similar camera interface seen on the LG BL40. It allows you to switch from video or camera mode by the flip of the switch on the screen. In this menu, the lens is set to 5 mega pixel and there are other familiar settings like color effect, picture quality, focus mode, white balance etc.

Although not part of the package, Motorola has this docking station for the Milestone. Dock and charge your Milestone and use it as a desktop alarm clock on your desk. Cool isn't it ?


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