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NVIDIA nForce 680a SLI and nForce 680i SLI chipset 2/5
Bluetooth 9 November 2006

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nForce 680i SLI

nForce 680i SLI supercedes the NF 590 SLI for Intel edition as the highest end chipset from NVIDIA supporting the Core 2 Duo/Extreme/Quad processors. As NVIDIA wants to capitalise on the growing marketing of Intel processors especially the crazy overclocking capability of the E6300.

According to NVIDIA, the FSB can reach 2.1GHz or 525MHz for a 1.8GHz Conroe processor. This chipset also uses a new DASP 4.0 qwith quick sync. It also comes with a OC BIOS and supports certified SLI memory.

To market the 680i boards quickly, NVidia is manufacturing boards just like they did for graphics cards and sells them to manufacturers to sell direct. This does not mean that manufacturers will not be sold chipsets to have their own in house design.

With the new design, the PCIex16 slots are placed further apart for better air flow. There are also 3 PCIe slots, the 3rd slot can be used for Physics or a third display card. As for fan headers, there are altogether 7 of them.

NVIDIA will also be predefining the BIOS and manufacturers can customise them for downloading at their own sites. The NVIDIA BIOS is catered for overclocking as it has a selectable voltage for vdimm of up to 2.5v and CPU Vcore of up to 1.8v. Furthermore, you can disable a particular core in your Core 2 Duo processor. It is said that disabling one core helps in overclocking the processor.

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